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Understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Understanding SEO

Everyone talks about "Page Ranks" in the SEO world, but is it really as important as everyone talks about? It used to be very important but not as much anymore. Just because it's a very important aspect of the puzzle it does not mean that we have to focus all our efforts and energy for a good Page Rank. For example, after a keyword is being search in a Search Engine (SE) if your web page appears in the first 10 Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) means your web page has a good SEO implementation, . However, SE's has another term for companies that appear on their first page of their SERP, and that's called Page TRUST. Page Trust is more a correlation rather than a conclusion. Page Rank is a pretty mirage to keep you from thinking about the real measure of a site’s popularity, better known as Trust Rank. Trust Rank is the degree to which Search Engines trust that your website will be valuable to visitors if presented as a search result.


Everyone talks about "Page Ranks" in the SEO world, but is it really as important as everyone talks about? It used to be very important but not as much anymore. Just because it's a very important aspect of the puzzle it does not mean that we have to focus all our efforts and energy for a good Page Rank. For example, after a keyword is being search in a Search Engine (SE) if your web page appears in the first 10 Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) means your web page has a good SEO implementation, . However, SE's has another term for companies that appear on their first page of their SERP, and that's called Page TRUST. Page Trust is more a correlation rather than a conclusion. Page Rank is a pretty mirage to keep you from thinking about the real measure of a site’s popularity, better known as Trust Rank. Trust Rank is the degree to which Search Engines trust that your website will be valuable to visitors if presented as a search result.
A few examples can be Wikipedia, Facebook, Coca-Cola, etc. If we want to have a good SEO implementation in our sites we need to understand how users think and behave.  Using behavior analysis and web analytics with path analysis. We need to find out what users do and don't do in our sites. Create great content, because content is still the king, use Facebook to create inbound links. SE's currency is links, links and more links. That's how they get paid. If you implement links on your site, your site will be earning points (good points) on the SE's eyes.
PageRank it is a must-know term, probably the most commonly used of any vocabulary word associated with SEO. Also,it happens to be the only publicly available measure of a site’s value. TrustRank is a far more closely guarded concept, one that Google has never officially recognized.
TrustRank refers to the willingness to place your website highly in the search results and therefore deliver new business. SEs want to make sure that when a users search for computers or web design, the user will receive what he expected to received. If  the users bounces back from the website, that means that SE's did not do their job by providing accurate result information to the user. Trust Rank is earned in the same way that Page Rank and it is by receiving links from other sites. The age of a site also increases its Trust Rank. And if you get links from highly trust site rank websites, your website will rapidly increase its Trust Rank.
Having inbound links from trustful websites will increase your ranks but try not to fall into the buying links world. You do not want to be in the Search Engine's black list for buying links; avoid it. As Bailey explains on his "Outsmarting Google" book:
"the link buying process can be as simple as “Pay me X dollars, and tell me what site to link to and how you would like the link to look.” If you didn’t know anything about SEO, you’d think it was a pitiful form of advertising — a tiny link on the side of a site being sold for the same price as your cable bill every month. These links aren’t even designed to be seen or clicked on. Their entire value is in being recognized by Google so that they can pass TrustRank.
For years—and even today—the standard way for people to determine the value of a link in the open market was by looking at its PageRank. A web page with a PageRank of2 usually gets around $25 per month for each link it sells, and PageRank 7 links sell for up to $2,000 per month. This system is remarkably flawed, and literally millions ofdollars have been wasted on it. Why? High-PageRank links will not necessarily increase your Google ranking! To begin with, the PageRank found on the Google toolbar, on which the entire commercial link industry relies ,is updated only every two to three months, so the PageRank you see today could be very different from the page’s actual PageRank, which is tabulated daily by Google. Most important, Google has publicly stated that they penalize websites that sell links by crippling their ability to transfer TrustRank. And they have been equally public about the fact that they do not inform penalized websites that they have lost the ability to pass TrustRank to other sites. This change has made the commercial link industry into a shell of what it once was. I estimate that 60% of the links that are sold today are from penalized pages and have absolutely no value to their buyers.

Determining which sites haven’t been crippled, and thus truly pass TrustRank, has become the most important skill for a professional search engine optimizer to possess nowadays. SEO today is just as much about how to avoid acquiring penalized links as it is about acquiring as many high-quality links as possible. Clearly, the question on the lips of everyone in the SEO community right now is this: How do I know whether my web page has high TrustRank? Very few people are able to answer that question. I am one who can.
In late 2008,I developed a tool for measuring the TrustRank ofa web page, which is now the engine behind my SEO company. I would tell you how it works, but that would be very boring, and I fear that I might find more than a few Google ninjas at my door if I gave away all their secrets. Not to fear, though; I won’t leave you in the lurch.
The best way to determine a site’s TrustRank, and the foundation of my proprietary tool, basically comes down to taking an educated guess. Here is the logic:

1.Google gives the most TrustRank to sites that have links from well linked web pages. (Or, in grade school language: Google gives the most popularity to kids who have lots of popular friends.)

2.Google does not allow sites that sell links to pass trust but shows no indication of the sites that have been disallowed to pass trust.(Nature punishes the corrupt popular kids who have allowed their friendship to be bought, making them unable to confer popularity on other kids. Even though these punished kids remain popular, they cannot make anyone else popular.)

3 Therefore, a site has a high TrustRank if its links are from websites that, to the best of your knowledge, have never sold links.(If you only Guessing which sites are penalized versus unpenalized is easier than you would think. If a site looks professional, has been around a while, and doesn’t have anything spammy written on it, it is likely to be in good standing with Google and will transfer TrustRank properly. You should approach as many of these sites as possible and ask them if they’d be willing to sell or trade for a link on their site."
It's important to understand that SEO is the new way of marketing. Social Media, Web Analytics and a good SEO implementation will make you noticeable in the World Wide Web. a very few people searches on the yellow pages, newspapers or magazines. The reality is that users utilize Search Engines for almost all their searches (products and services) and only the companies with high Trust Rank are the ones that will share those users that dont go beyond the first page; and that's more than 50%. Those are users looking and ready to spend in products and services.

National Society for Hispanic Professionals by Pablo Trinidad


Last modified on 14 October 2012
12 April 2012
Picassos Admin
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